APA Speaker Series – Is The End Near?

Friday, January 25, 2019 11:30am Luncheon 12:30pm Presentation Danny Court, Principal, Senior Economist Elliott D. Pollack & Company   RSVP: No Later Than Wednesday, January 23 To Be Included For […]

Speaker Series 2019 Legislative Wrap-Up

ARIZONA POWER AUTHORITY SPEAKER SERIES 2019 LEGISLATIVE WRAP-UP   Tuesday, June 18, 2019 (Prior to Commission Meeting)   8:30am – Customer Breakfast 9:00am – Panel Discussion   Our panelists will […]

SPEAKER SERIES Arizona Farm Bureau Update

ARIZONA POWER AUTHORITY SPEAKER SERIES Stephanie Smallhouse, President of Arizona Farm Bureau, will provide us with an update on the state of agriculture in Arizona and the impact power has on this […]